
F.Mercuri, S.Paoloni, U. Zammit, N. Orazi, E. Pietroni, E. d’Annibale, D. Ronchi, D. Ferdani: patent application filed for invention “Method for obtaining a three-dimensional digital reconstruction in infrared of a stratigraphically explorable object”, n. 102023000004968 of 16.3.2023 – as part of the project “Codex 4D Journey in 4 dimensions in the illuminated manuscript”.

The invention concerns a method, based on the use of a thermoreflectographic apparatus, for the three-dimensional digital representation of cultural heritage and their virtual exploration through mid-infrared images, acquired with reflectographic and thermographic techniques.
The three-dimensional geometry of an artefact can be reconstructed by directly processing only the infrared images acquired, even in conditions of thermal equilibrium, in the same configuration and with the same thermographic device (thermal camera) used to record, with active thermography techniques, the thermographic sequences that allow the virtual stratigraphic exploration of the internal structure.
The virtual model exploration method allows you to:
1) display features on its surface that cannot be detected by visual observation of the original;
2) dynamically show elements of its internal structure that are not accessible optically.