Angelica Library

Holographic showcase installation

The holographic showcase has been conceived as a mixed-reality environment. The showcase works like a small theatre, equipped with lights, direction software, and the possibility of activating interactive multimedia events inside it. In this case, it was not possible to include the object inside the Codex4D due to the fragility of the materials with which the manuscript was made. Nevertheless, a simple setting was created to highlight the three-dimensional effect of the holographic technique.

Because the hologram is an illusion of reality, the contents in the holographic showcase are 3D or 2.5D and appear to be floating in an empty space. Thanks to the motion-capture sensor, the interaction interface provides for direct user interaction using hand gestures. Therefore, the levels of the 3D model can be explored extensively (RGB and three IR levels) and fully contextualised discussions of the model, relating to iconographic or iconological studies, translations of the text, investigations into the material nature of the pigments, and the state of conservation can be activated.

Interaction prior to the actual exploration experience takes place thanks to a push-button panel at the front of the showcase on which the user can choose narrative content or select the prospects to be explored. 

A dramaturgy of the manuscript has been created in the showcase, where a narrator, played by an actress filmed on a green screen, interacts among the parchment folios and the miniatures whilst narrating to us details of that world from the inside. She is no larger than the illuminated figures, as she performs actions or activates tools to enhance our reading and understanding of the codex. Thus the vernacular of scientific communication is moving into new experimental terrain, adopting language that is at the same time poetic and stimulating in order to attract and intrigue the museum public.

The first version of the Codex holographic showcase was presented at the Genoa Science Festival in 2022, in the context of the exhibition “he Heritage Sciences Languages: from Macro to Micro”. It was then presented, in its final version, at the exhibition “Codex 4D: multidimensional and multidisciplinary journey into the manuscript” organised at the Angelica Library in Rome from November 2023 to February 2024, displayed next to the showcase containing the original manuscripts represented  also in the multimedia installation.



The Magnificent Lens

Introduction to De Balneis Puteolanis

Introduction to papers 12v-13r of De Balneis Puteolanis

Introduction to papers 9v-10r of De Balneis Puteolanis


Miniature execution technique

Page border ornaments

Book of Hours introduction

Brillio Ore De Balneis cc12-13

Book of Hours writing pose 67v-68r